Monday, April 12, 2010

Finnegans Wake 452

I completely forgot about putting my FW page up on my blog until I ran across a couple other blogs that apparently had the same issue. I chose, quite awhile ago, to take on page 452 from Finnegans Wake. The reason for this initially was because of the mention of Vico on this page.

This passage was also the one that I chose to memorize for class. "The Vico road goes round and round to meet where terms begin." If the structure and content of FW doesn't suggest Vico Giambattista's influence on Joyce and his work, then this passage surely points directly to the notions of recurrence that Vico was known for.

I found lots of cool things on this page. Joyce mentions livy and some possible references to Roman history and also there is quite a few references to Egyptian history and mythology. Another notable gem is "Tennis Flonnels Mac Courther" is actually a contemporary Irish poet of Joyce named Dennis Florence McCarthy.

I remember that when I started this page I didn't know if I would be able to find enough stuff. Soon I was pretty much out of margin space. That's how it goes at Finnegans Wake!

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